next project.....

was talking to mom last night about my next craft project...and afghan, to go to afghanistan with rto. cute huh? anyhoo, this is the yarn i'm using. it's kinda funky. i made a scary scarf out of it. i'm not sure what i'm doing, but the crochet thing just doesn't quite work for me. this pattern in particular, they say the swatch should be 4 1/2" square 11 stitches by 11 rows. so using the suggested needle size i got 3" so i've gone up a couple hook sizes (N) i'm working as loosely as i can and still i'm a little on the small size. rto thinks it will stretch or what 's the harm in being a little small? yeah, okay, i give, otherwise this thing will never get done. but back to the yarn you kind find details about it here. as i was working with it tonight i kept thinking "it's made from kitty hair" it's very soft. i'm using roccoco and country. tried to find something close to army colors that was in stock. lucked out on the country color being on clearance. yay! so i've got two squares done. only ninety some odd to go.
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