Thursday, September 01, 2005

probably won't say much today....

rto left early, early this morning. says he'll try to keep me updated on where he ends up. quite a few bloggers are suggesting charities today links can be found here. personally, i'm a bit partial towards the United Methodists.

also received this email from a former symphony chorus member:

from former A1, Elizabeth Love Tu'uta, now back in home state of

A couple of you have written
to inquire about our well-being, and I thank you for your concern. My
family is all safe and well. However, both my husband and I are United
Methodist clergy and have many friends and colleagues from whom we have heard
nothing. We do not know if they evacuated safely or have died, or are just
in areas that cannot get word out. Folks do not seem to realize how many
communities extend far south of New Orleans. Our prairie grasslands and
swamplands are most definitely inhabited. As you can imagine, we are
desperate for news.
I know that you are wanting to
help the hurricane victims, and wanting to know how best to do so. Where
we live, in Shreveport, we have over 20,000 evacuees/refugees that have been
told to stay put for as much as 3-6 months. We are rallying to their aid,
and are even absorbing the children into our public and private school
systems. One can certainly send donations to the Red Cross, who is
operating the largest shelters here beautifully. There are many
United Methodist Churches that are also opening up space, even for as few as
8-12 folks, if that's all they've got room for. Additionally, you are
likely unaware that the national depot for the United Methodist Committee on
Relief is actually here, in South Louisiana. This is always one
of the first sources of massive aid that gets in to disaster areas all over
the world... in many, many cases, even before the Red Cross. (Almost
all UMCOR shipments worldwide come directly through this huge depot in
Louisiana.) Every dollar contributed to the UMCOR goes 100% to aid.
It goes straight to purchase needed goods. All work at the depot is
volunteer. No administrative costs come out of your donations.

All that being said, if you wish to help, I
encourage you to send donations to the Red Cross, the UMCOR at the following

P.O. Box 850
101 Sager Brown Road
Baldwin, LA 70514-0850,

or you may also send it directly to my church, and we will personally go to
nour local shelters and furnish the needed items there. Send those
donations to:
Morningside UMC
Attn: Rev. Elizabeth Tu'uta
5500 Hearne Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71108

We covet your help, and your thoughts and prayers. As time
passes, we will have a need for mission teams and workers, but for now, we just
want to find all our people... living or otherwise. If you have questions,
don't hesitate to send a note.

grace and peace,