Saturday, January 28, 2006

neighborhood kitty update....

so yesterday while i was sitting here i heard meowing. (when i told rto about this he was like "yeah, our cats do that) but it wasn't one of ours. so i went to the front door and looked out the window, sure enough, there was the orange and white kitty. i went to grab my camera but he took off before i could get a picture. i stepped outside and he was in the bushes, so i did get a few pictures (they're still on the camera though) anyway, i'd been wondering if he was still around since the people living next door are different and might not still be feeding him. a couple days ago i spotted a tabby with no tail as i was leaving for work. on the way home i saw him and the orange and white kitty together. hmmmm, so then the next morning as i went out to get the paper i spotted both of them on our front step, they took off when i opened the door. aaaaaaw. i don't think either of them have collars and they won't let me get near them, still it's fun to see them.