Saturday, October 20, 2007

saturday records

Let's Go to Church - Various artists: particularly Tennessee Ernie Ford, Gordon MacRae and Jane Froman. It got me thinking about how I was so annoyed(amused, take your pick) with Amazing Grace the other day.... I'm sure that at the time this was recorded these were "contemporary" songs, but they don't bother me as much. I'm guessing it's the drum track. Mr. Ford's accent was amusing on Somebody Bigger Than You and I, (and whooooouh sends the rain....)but otherwise I'm hearing some good voices and orchestra arrangements.

Gypsy - Richard Hayman and His Orchestra: some classic "gypsy" tunes including Hungarian Dances and the Habanera from Carmen. They're a little too pretty for my taste. the violin soloist is good. Hayman also seems fond of the cymbalum.

South Sea Island Magic, Album 1 and 2: I've hit a run of box sets, and I don't think I'll make it through all of this one today.... anyway, the first album didn't have anything that really grabbed me, then came album 2. Blue Coral was fun with Doug Gamley, his orchestra and chorus aurally painting little bubbles. There seem to be more vocal arrangements on album 2 and they're more interesting sounding to me. Rosemary Squires did a nice job on The Shining Sea.
