Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What have I been doing the last week?

not much, which, I guess, is why I haven't posted anything. I feel like I'm forgetting something today. I'd made a list of things to get done today and well, of course, they are taking longer than I thought they would.

Laundry, Christmas cards, ....??? cupcakes, but then I just remembered I was going to make RTO make the "pumpkin pie spice" for the cupcakes. And now he called and he's going to be late.

It's funny, I went to bed rather early (for me) last night, so then I was wide awake at 2 a.m. I read for about an hour and then conked out again. so the lesson here is, "don't go to bed before midnight"

Have I mentioned I "volunteered" to be treasurer for a state senate campaign? I did and it's quite the learning experience. RTO is helping out with social networking and some other online things. I suppose that's been taking up a lot of my time.

and dog walking. I think we're going to take Roxie with us to the farm tomorrow. because we can. and it will be a chance for her to socialize with some more dogs.

Happy Thanksgiving!
