Thursday, November 04, 2004


today, (thursday) was pretty much a complete loss. I think the kitties were sending out extra powerful sleepy rays today. i didn't climb out o' bed til just before 3, still had one cat on my head and the other curled up next to me. they're evil that way. I think my allergies are still acting up. sitting through tonight's concert my throat was itchy. gaaaaaah. speaking of which if you're in the D/FW area you should come out and see this thing. I really like it. We don't sing very much, but the actor and lighting and orchestra are good. very dramatic. tonight when we met for warm-ups the choral director mentioned that we should try not to look sleepy. Here's the thing, you go from being in the dark for half an hour to the lights coming on full strength and I don't care who you are you're going to need some time to adjust. eyeballs do not like sudden changes in lighting. so I got home and RTO is already conked out, he had an MRI and CTscan today and says it messed with him.