plane reading...
here's what's going in the bag....
Real Simple-October 2003
Utne reader-march/april 2004 (this is it's second trip to NY)
Real Simple-March 2004 (i don't have a subsciption to this, but it's always so pretty sitting on the shelf in the check-out line.
Utne Reader-May/June 2004 & July/August
Mental_floss*-sept/oct & nov/dec 2004
*these are funny because RTO and i read them together, yeah, that's it.
Left on the side table....
Smithsonian-May 2004 thru Feb 2005
Wilson Quarterly-Winter2004 thru Winter 2005
this list doesn't even include the night stand pile which is reserved for "priority" reading i.e. all music related mags, newsletters, books and regular books. Why not take this stuff? cause i prefer to take things that don't have to come back.
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