so I keep asking myself....
How much crackling can I tolerate?
I moved the record recording setup into the front bedroom (as opposed to the "scary bedroom") last week and I've started cleaning up tracks and transferring them into i-tunes. I don't need or particularly want perfection, that's part of what I like about records in the first place. buuuuut, in some instances it would be nice to hear more of the music than the extraneous noises.
anyhoo, the old laptop is as cranky as ever, so, many times I'm applying the clean-up tool, saving the song as a new file, closing it, re-opening it and listening for anything strange. Otherwise the processor maxes out. I will not play and edit at the same time!
and for some reason, before I started this I felt compelled to finally organize the action figure shelves. here's one.
I broke down and bought some little plastic adjustable shelf thingers at the container store. I may get one more because it might make it possible to free up a shelf.
oh, also, we have this lovely television if anyone would like it...
okay, back to the salt mines.
Labels: meandering, records
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