Wednesday, July 18, 2012

bye bye wilson quarterly, sorta...

in my mailbox anyhoo, received the last print edition today in the mail. they'll be sending some other mag for the remainder of my subscription, which is Autumn 2012, so one issue.  I'd been reluctant to get the digital version because it didn't say it was the same as the print edition, I guess now that isn't a problem.  I already get Good Housekeeping in digital format. I prefer it's digital version to real simple's because it's just the magazine pages exactly as they appear in print. Real Simple uses an app and everything is foofed up navigation wise, no just turning pages, you have to go up, down, and all around to see everything.

anyway, that's what I'll be reading next, the WQ. and then next week, The Winds of War. maybe, I may put it off until I get Black Coffee memorized.
