Tuesday, November 16, 2004


so I tried to go to sleep, no really I did, but maybe RTO is right and I just can't get to sleep before two. I think, sure I can, just not right now. ha ha haaaaaa. Had chorus rehearsal tonight, there's a topic for debate.... choral singing: vibrato or straight tone. and why pick me as a member if you're just going to complain about blending? maybe it's not me. I don't know. pops rehearsal there were only 4 sopranos and he kept complaining. At one point he asked me to move so I would be next to the others instead of in front of them. k' then had us all sing and was telling two of the others to sing out more. so maybe it's not my fault, the others are just wimpy. yeah, that's it. But there were a couple of times in the regular rehearsal that he's like "that sounds great!" and I noticed it's when everyone uses more of a straight tone, and I don't think it has much depth, but there you go. going back to the pops thing, he's really particular about vowel sounds being dark and I'm thinking "this is going to be like last time.... the pops conductor will get here and tell us to loosen up a bit, it's a pops concert, it's supposed to be fun!" people prefer to hear normal english. down instead of dahwn. okay, that's one thing down out of my head. moving on....

got home, was hanging out in the kitchen while RTO heated up some pizza for me. noticed a note on the counter, not sure what it is, who it's for. debating if I should ask. you know, don't want RTO to be like "what? I have to tell you everything?" not that he's like that, but I'm conditioned that way I guess. anyhoo, ask him what it is. "oh, somebody called about a bookkeeping job you applied for, but I didn't get their name or where they're from, oh and they said it was okay to call until 10:30, which is right now." gaaaaah, so I called, spoke to the lady, she said if I was still interested she'd put me on the list to interview (over the phone cause they're out of town) sometime later this week. oooookay, so I've got a little research to do tomorrow. also thinking about how this will effect the playing for the senior group. I suppose I really shouldn't worry about that till I have a job. ha ha haaaaaa. but that wouldn't be any fun would it?

Where is the time going? I mean, next week is Thanksgiving! I don't have my Christmas shopping done yet. I'm gonna be in trouble if I don't get crackin'. The chorus pres. has been telling us that it's really a good idea to have our shopping done before December, cause it's a mess. and she's right. though, I think RTO has some things stashed around here for people that he brought back from the 'stan. we haven't sat and talked about it yet. I gotta clean up the place too, maybe put some of my fall decorations out finally. I've been so lazy about that this year. Maybe it's carry over from last year, when it was just me and I really couldn't have cared less about how festive the house looked. At the same time though it made me appreciate what I've got. I keep telling RTO how happy I am that he's back and it's soooo much more fun looking at all the holiday stuff with him. but then, I'm also a little anxious about what he's going to do with lights. This will be our first Christmas together in the house and he's always talked about wanting to go all out on the lights so we'll see. I sent him pictures from the neighborhood last year. maybe I'll retreive them from the old comp and post them. There is this one house in Garland near where RTO's brother lives that goes all out. I mean it's like daylight in their front yard, you can't swing a cat without hitting a light display, aaaaaand there's music playing for all the people that stop by. I'm sure their neighbors just love them. This year I should get some even better pictures since I got a tripod. woo gonna wrap this up cause it's long, and I know if I saw it on someone elses blog my eyes would glaze over and I'd never read the whole thing.