Monday, May 20, 2013


haven't been up to much lately.  read Mudwoman and some trash and I'm about to finish House of Sand and Fog.  other than that it's been sleeping and eating and the occasional dog walk.

thought I would shorten the daily walk and add a short workout. today I made the walk, but only lasted about four minutes of the workout.  I suppose that might explain why I'm getting fat.

update:  well, that ended worse than I'd anticipated.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

i get emails....

for someone else's child. apparently they're going on a field trip to the park. they can bring water bottles, but they can't have labels on them, she says to bring a snack even though they won't be allowed to eat them at the park and they aren't allowed to apply sun screen so that has to be done before school. uh, that stuff only lasts a few hours, not all day, poor kids are gonna burn.  glad I only have furry kids cause those are some stupid rules.

Monday, May 06, 2013

show's over

reading should pick up. just finished Ham on Rye, not sure what to think about it. didn't hate it, but not terribly likable either.  oh well. now for some trash and then The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.