so windy...
today has been kinda strange because it is hella windy. the power blinked out a few times earlier today because of it. and it was trash day so everyone's carts were all over the alley. yay!
Labels: meandering
today has been kinda strange because it is hella windy. the power blinked out a few times earlier today because of it. and it was trash day so everyone's carts were all over the alley. yay!
Labels: meandering
Labels: meandering
I remember reading an article in the Wilson Quarterly a few years ago about the Mayan Calendar and it briefly mentioned how it ends in 2012. many months ago RTO had mentioned 2012 because it was coming up in relation to something else "end times" related he was looking up. so for a month or two I've been joking about anything being planned past that year being useless. then today the DMN religion section listed this as their "website of the week". so. you've been put on notice. ;D
Labels: meandering
just kidding. when I have lots of free time, I tend to record more movies, and it's kinda hit or miss. so tonight we watched San Francisco. I recorded it because it looked like an interesting cast and I've been listening to and watching more singers lately. so, interesting movie... not quite a musical although there was lots of singing and then at the end the earthquake hits. it's like it couldn't decide what it wanted to be. I think it would have been better if it had made that decision.
Labels: meandering
Dell Financial Services has been calling us almost every day since last Friday. (they took yesterday off, after calling the house twice on Sunday) anyhoo, it's this annoying automated system at first that says something like, "M.W. Katzen, we want to talk to you about your account, just enter your zip code or SSN" uh, seeing as I don't have an account with them, I'm not giving them my SSN, but then my zip code doesn't match. so Friday, the first time, I stayed on the line and eventually got a person and told them I was a little concerned that they got the name about half right (I would be M.M.), but that I don't have an account with them. ooookay, we'll remove your number. Saturday, I just used the automated system to let them know they had the wrong number. Sunday I waited for a person, was told it was fixed and then they called again two hours later, that person said it would definitely be fixed when the system updated at 9 p.m. then they called tonight. RTO talked to them this time. so I guess we'll see what happens tomorrow.
Labels: meandering
so the Evil Fake Sarahk came for a visit tonight with his daughter. (you can read about last night over at Gradual Dazzle) Roxie kept Solveig entertained most of the evening, and now Roxie is passed out on the puppy bed. The rest of us kinda watched the Green Bay/NYG game. (ha! payback's a, well you know)
Labels: kitties, meandering, puppy
I saw a writeup of this in the paper. I'm thinking I should never try one, because that would be all I would eat ever again. Chocolate.... with bacon. *drool*
Labels: meandering
I'm finding myself making the "at least I did x" list every day. I'm still on a kind of odd sleeping schedule, haven't been asleep before 4 the past few nights. so, on today's list... rode the bike for about a half hour and made cupcakes (RTO's birthday was yesterday, but he wasn't here) and read the paper. which looking at it now is a step up from, "got out of bed and eventually showered and got dressed". which has been the list the last couple days.
Labels: meandering
RTO's out of town, so, um, it's not too fun watching by myself. oh, and RTO gave me a Cowboy's jersey for Christmas. (so I can look just like Jessica Simpson! ha!) but after the first time I wore it, I'm told I'm not allowed to wear it this weekend. *sigh*
Labels: meandering
so I've had this wire glued to the back of my bottom teeth since forever ago. (1992 to be exact, when they finally took my braces off. I had them from 7th grade to just before my senior year of high school started maybe a few days after, I don't remember except mom was happy I wouldn't have them in my Senior picture.)
Labels: meandering
It looks like Purfesser Frisky has died. Laurence hasn't been quite the same since he lost Piper (he even handed off the Carnival of the Cats recently) this year is kicking off with so many "fun" things. ;P
Labels: kitties, meandering
Wearing Too Much Perfume May Indicate Depression
ScienceDaily (Jan. 8, 2008) — Can’t smell the roses? Maybe you’re depressed. Smell too much like a rose yourself? Maybe you’ve got the same problem. Scientists from Tel Aviv University recently linked depression to a biological mechanism that affects the olfactory glands. It might explain why some women, without realizing it, wear too much perfume.
Women who are depressed are also more likely to lose weight. With a reduced sense of smell, they are less likely to have a healthy appetite, he says.
Labels: meandering
New Year's Eve, Turner Classic Movies had an Astaire/Rogers marathon. I hadn't planned on watching, but got bored and started watching one and then recorded a few more. so, tonight we watched Swing Time. I think this is the first Fred and Ginger movie I saw when I was much younger. so far, i think it's still my favorite. so I hunted down the final dance number from it on YouTube because I think it's the best. maybe because it's a bit different from the others, not as happy.
Labels: meandering
I need to reset my internal clock.
Labels: meandering
and it's nice that I have a score so I can answer the question "is that really ugly sounding people or violins?" it's people going "he he he he he he he he" on the 8th notes. with the violins maybe? I've only got a piano reduction. This recording is from a live performance in 1954 so I'm hearing all kinds of extra stuff. coughing, people shuffling around.
Labels: meandering, records
Gershwin - Arthur Fiedler with the Boston Pops Orchestra: 3 records! with the occasional Peter Nero track thrown in. Lots of overtures from his musicals, Oh Kay!, Funny Face, Girl Crazy, Of Thee I Sing, and more! also some of his less familiar symphonic pieces such as Second Rhapsody for Orchestra with Piano. The most interesting thing to me was orchestral arrangements of his Three Preludes. I think I have music for those somewhere around here. I like them. was just kinda surprised someone thought an orchestral arrangement was a good idea. they weren't bad, just different.
Labels: records
got some pics after Christmas
Labels: kitties
RTO went all out when he replaced the garage door opener. the new one is super quite, has an outside keypad and a motion sensor that turns the garage light on when you step out there. it also came with a little box you can plug a lamp, or I guess anything you want really, into and you can press a button on the opener and switch it on. so RTO really wanted a lamp for it, because how cool is it that you can turn on a lamp in the house from your car in the driveway? very cool. if you're RTO.
Labels: meandering
we're off to a good start. the heater isn't working. RTO told me Roxie couldn't wait to go outside so she could soak up the sun. she looks so happy curled up on her blanket out there. I may go join her.
Labels: meandering