So, we got to open Christmas presents early because RTO couldn't wait for me to try out the camera he got for me, and thought I should use it over the weekend. But first... I took some pics of the old camera...

as you can see, the battery door didn't latch completely anymore and I'd lost the lens cap (Roxie eated it) and some other bits when Roxie ate the camera...

It was a little bit cheaper to get it repaired at the time, so most of the innards were replaced because she chewed off the top dial and, iirc the zoom button (W/T thing here) and that was the only way to fix them.
Then a few months ago, I noticed the iris had a big hole in one of the flaps and a few others were cracked, so I hadn't taken as many pictures lately because it just annoyed me.
Anyhoo, now I have a new camera that I'm trying to figure out. It lets me play a bit more with a few things, but is not quite so intimidating as a full blown SLR. and i'm lovin' the increased zoom.

There will probably be many more ducks...
Labels: meandering