Tuesday, February 19, 2013

just got cast

will try not to let my reading get too borked.  currently reading Island Beneath the Sea.  then trash, then I'll have to make a decision about reading Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the other two books all at once, or saving the other two for later.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

I blame my therapist....

she told me one time today and then I get there and she's all, oh it's this other time, so I had some time to kill, so of course I went to Half Price Books.  Was really thinking I wouldn't make a trip for the next couple weeks.  actually, need to quit for a while. RTO's telling me I have a problem, which I probably do. just filled in some series, one of them being Stieg Larson's Millennium Trilogy.  The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is next in the reading pile.  That's after Daughter of Fortune which I'm reading now and whatever is next on the kindle plus trash.

10 books so far this year, not counting trash.


Wednesday, February 06, 2013

can I really call it trash

if I learned a bit of history from it? have read Jennifer Blake's Three Graces series recently, it's set in the court of Henry VII, so I knew a little bit about Richard III when his body was found this week. very little, but who remembers that stuff from school? anyhoo, have since read The Lacuna again learning a bit of history and the difference between Thomas Wolfe and Tom Wolfe. Authors should be like actors and not aloud to have the same names.


Saturday, February 02, 2013

it's the weekend....

read Pictures of You this week. was wondering why it wasn't a romance and then I got to the ambiguous ending.  Have already read the trash that comes after and feel like reading MOAR!!  anyhoo, instead, I got some magazines to read.  I'm finding that I don't like to read two different books on the same day sometimes.  I need time to digest or savor what I've read. And because of the randomness of my reading it can get kind of jarring. Like when my ipod goes from rock to opera.
