this is me the last few days...

Labels: kitties, meandering
Labels: kitties, meandering
RTO: so, um, I was gonna ask you, but then you weren't here and so I just went ahead...
Labels: meandering
King Herod: Magnificent!
Labels: meandering
so I'm driving to my lesson and think, "oh, I should take my ipod out of it's case." (cause I record them ,but the recorder(kinda like this one) won't fit on there with the silicon thinger on it) but ipod's not in my purse. I don't remember taking it out of there. Oh crap. I probably left it at work. so, I get through my lesson and I'm thinking I'll just stop by the office, then realize, "hey, I can call H___ and ask her to see if it's there" so I call her, she says it's not there. hmmmmm. So I'm still trying to reconstruct my Thursday and I think, "I didn't even listen to it at work yesterday cause I was filing the whole time." that's when I remember I plugged it into the charger last night, because the recorder burns through the battery pretty quickly.
Labels: meandering
Sean M. has posted a story about some people getting busted for smuggling cocaine because officials thought the raw meat in their luggage was suspicious.
Labels: meandering
was trying to tell RTO about it, but really couldn't do it justice. Check out the Mean Kitty song, too.
Labels: kitties, meandering
don't usually post this kind of thing, but well, it has to be seen to be believed.
Labels: meandering
I think I'm going to be making a call to the doctor later today. I have NOT been able to get to sleep tonight. last night, either, but I didn't panic because RTO was up too. (course he was working) but the past week or so, I haven't been able to get my brain to shut down and I'm worn out. and I think it's pretty safe to assume it's related to the BC I've been on for only a few months now. particularly after finding this in the archives. (and lord help me, I made a spreadsheet with the dates and yes, it's the exact same day in the cycle) so I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't at the moment.
Labels: meandering
it's right at the beginning...
Labels: meandering
Labels: meandering
run by morons.
Labels: meandering
MK: um, so how do i know if this new drive is doing it's RAID thing?
Labels: meandering
Labels: garden, meandering
I've spent the last couple days trying to move files from the old external hard drive to the new one. Most of it was easy and then I got to itunes. *sigh* I understand why they make it difficult, but come on! I followed the instructions from the help website and it didn't work. Tried another method, moving things off my ipod to the hard drive and the files made it there and showed up in itunes as a "shared" library, then when I synced my ipod it erased everything on it because there wasn't anything in the main library in itunes. soooo I tried dragging the itunes folder (that had come off my ipod) into the itunes window and that seemed to do it. finally. It's still about ten songs short, but I think I can live with that.
Labels: meandering
Labels: meandering