this sooooo needs a caption
"quit laughing, it's not funny!!!!"

feel free to leave your own in the comments.
carnival of the cats is up at Music and Cats this week.
"quit laughing, it's not funny!!!!"
high yesterday? 104
both outside and inside. had a pretty good thunderstorm roll through around eight, complete with hail. rto's mom called to check up on me cause she'd heard power was out in rowlett. it blinked here, but that was it. seems roxie took the hail as a sign it was time to chase the kitties. so i put her in her crate for a while. currently she and maggie are facing off. i love how they think i'm stupid. i yell at roxie for stalking the cat and she'll come sit next to me for a while and then get up and non-chalantly start heading for the cat. sometimes she doesn't even bother to sit, she just walks towards me and around the couch, like i don't know what she's doing. the goof.
i made scrambled eggs for dinner. yay! had them with mozzerella cheese in a wrap.
you should this week. it's hosted by the HULK at meryl yourish's. too funny.
not that i'll go, but it's funny how these things happen:
it's pretty breezy. no rain yet, but the power just blinked out for a couple seconds. yay!
rto better get home soon. i usually don't watch stuff that we both would watch if he was here so i don't risk spoiling things by talking about them. but this comment by jeff harrel is really tempting me. (and yes, i caught the warnings and set the tivo to record just over an hour)
good lord! these reporters don't even have enough sense to get out of the rain. i keep waiting for one of them to get themselves killed.
but he made a plea last night for snacks. so i guess i DO have something to do today. that and i'll probably clear stuff off the patio. since his car is in OK there's plenty of room in the garage.
it went....... well. they were very nice. i don't think i'm right for the show, but the two director types and the accompanist were very complimentary. asked if i'd auditioned for any internships with opera cos. i tried to explain that i was a little on the old side for that. (a lot of them cut off at thirty *sigh*) one lady said well, i didn't look more than 25 and people lie about their age all the time. (this would require doctoring some documents, which, i'm not keen to do) anyway, i lived. yay! there are a couple more things coming up in the next week or two.
it lists exactly one event nearby. i'm not sure how they qualify nearby. These guys (at least one of them) aren't THAT far from me. maybe i just have a weird sense of nearby being in Dallas. their map currently lists 427 events. woof.
so how would you go from a story about there being no petting zoo at the fair this year to the weather?
from carin's
just to get the pictures further down the page, i'm posting this comment that was left on the first pic:
Maggie,I am surpised at your lack of education.....Faux News as you call it, has over double the viewers, repeat after me, over double the viewers of their closest competitor, CNN and they are even in less households than CNN, about 20 % less...furthermore, FAUX news as you call it, employs far far far far far far more DEMS on their payroll, then do CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS AND ABC combined have Repubs..In case you doubt this simple irrefutable fact....I will name just a few that come to mind....Greta, a registered Dem, you conveniently tried to pass off as being a conservative, then you have COLMES, ESTRITCH, HENICAN, GERLADO, the same Geraldo who wanted to hug Clinton when he was being impeached, Lanny Davis, Dershowitz, Jeff Feiger, Mara Liason, Juan Williams, Keith Watters, Bob Beckel,Gloria Allred....can you name even half that many, on all the other networks combined? Get yOUR facts straight, misguided Leftist.
woo, just rambling here, rto being gone is killin' me. i mean, my sleepin' is off, there's nothing to look forward to during the day, it's just me and the kitties and puppy. it's either that or the fact that i scheduled an audition "just for fun" and now i'm thinkin' that was really stupid and these people are going to hate me for wasting their time and i'll never work in this town, ever. gotta get all my crap together again, tweek my resume, decide whether to use the headshot i've got or print a new one maybe i'll post them, so we can take a vote. wasn't even going to mention it so as not to jinx it, but to heck with that. i'm doomed! doomed! like the Cowboys. ugh.
i swear it's like they don't want me to sleep ever again. the puppy has been demanding to go outside at odd hours. mainly to check behind the cabinet/ little shed on the porch. sometimes she barks and growls at it. then carlos likes to stare intently out the window into the dark. i keep telling myself it's probably neighborhood kitties, or possums. last night roxie kept pacing around, grumbling, i finally gave up trying to go back to sleep about five thirty and let her outside. why don't they listen to me when i tell them to chill?
Katharine Hepburn
if i'm understanding things correctly. um, anyway, he's posted a picture of rto. cute!
soldiergrrrrrl, has a link to librarything. my prayers have been answered. i think i can spare ten bucks.
okay, so something is digging under my house. rto filled up the hole before he left and then a few later, it came back.
"Classic" armadillo hole. For some reason they love to dig next to houses. Take broom handle (or other long stick-like device) and poke in hole. If no one home, throw in bricks or large rocks to fill hole, then add soil. Bricks or rocks will discourage repeated digging. Armadillos will not bite, just scary to look at!!
Considering the numbers of armadillos we have disposed of over the years, if they carried leprosy [my place of employment] would be a leper's colony right now. I did not instruct you to have "personal contact" with the critter !!
someone mentioned their allergies bothering them over at gail's which reminded me about the appointment i had monday. may i just say i am most impressed with the allergist's office. almost everything is done by computer. they have little touchpads to check in on, and then the doctor just types stuff into your file during your visit. though really i don't feel it improves the service that much. maybe i'm just not assertive enough, but it seems like a lot of times they don't really listen to me.
i'd been looking for a while for bathroom stuff, you know, soap dish, cups, toothbrush holder, etc... a while back i found some i liked at tuesday morning, thing is they're ceramic, which i thought i prefered. (we've had this metal and glass/plastic stuff since we got married and parts of it were getting rusty, so no more metal) but rto and i, we're klutzy, or maybe it's just me, i think the cats broke his cup. i managed to find a replacement, bought two cups(to be on the safe side), and dropped one in the garage. last week as we were cleaning up the bathroom i dropped another piece. then there's the fact that i couldn't quite distinguish the very pale blue from the white. i guess really what i'm getting at is i'm still not quite happy with the bathroom accessories. and i may have to replace them all anyway if more get broken. i'm so picky about those things.
so ya know our anniversary was a couple weeks ago, rto gave me a couple cds, i've finally had a chance to listen to them, and i love them.
A dramatic change is in order at your workplace. This could mean more money,i think i need to subscribe to the jobless list. cause as it is, this makes no sense. i mean, not that my horoscope usually does, but come on!
more responsibility, a bigger office -- or all three. It might mean something as
drastic as a change of locale. Whatever it is, you're up for it.
rto left a few hours ago. the puppy is jumping up and running to the garage door everytime she hears a car outside, won't wait for the garage door sound like usual. oh boy.
i just found this entertaining, he's talking to one of his parents about going to NO.
looks like he'll be going to new orleans after all. something about one of the guys OKNG took with them, he's been called away, so they thought "who would we like to have here?" and of course they thought of rto! who would have gone with them to begin with, but they thought he was gonna be going to school. come to find out the school is in louisianna and is currently housing refug... i mean, displaced americans. anyway, no details yet, just a "pretty sure he's leaving, not sure when" kinda thing.
but had the tv on. naomi wolf is on fox news criticizing the fed response to katrina and compares it to a MOVIE!!!! Harrison Ford could do this, why can't the real president? MY GOD! how stupid and out of touch with reality can we get? okay, tv's off now probably for the rest of the day, unless i decide to find some cartoons. oh, and we'll probably watch "days" tonight.
have no idea who my carrier is, but Thank you very much for getting me a whole sunday paper yesterday. not sure what happened to it sunday(did my neighbors steal it?) was a bit miffed when i called and the automated system told me to forget it, i'd called too late. but i was pleasantly surprised to find a whole sunday paper with monday's paper on my sidewalk yesterday. thank you, you rock!
rto: (in the shower) hey, have you been having a problem with hot water here?
Blackfive links to this site.
get fuzzy has cracked me up the last couple days.
she posted a comment i left late last night. i've since come across a few others discussing the timeline.
i typically try to stay reasonable, but i've been seriously tested the last couple days. i don't react well to angry people, or maybe a better way to put it is angry people make me extremely uncomfortable, whether their anger is directed at me or not. i suppose that's why i'm up so freakin' early on a saturday. been leaving the tv on all night since rto's been gone(i know,i know, all of two nights, wooped-de-doo) left it on c-span, as they generally run or replay press briefings(so far as hurricane coverage goes) not that those are all sweetness and light, but it's better than watching reporters let people vent. i fail to see how that helps matters. anyhoo, cspan has a call in show in the mornings, whee! so i still can't avoid angry people. so many experts out there. oh well.
the sink will drain better when the drain is open.
what with rto being called up i got to thinking about the last time he was activated for relief efforts. it was in may of 1999 for the F5 tornado that hit Moore, OK. he spent a week standing on a corner and checking id's of people wanting to get into neighborhoods. and fried the tops of his ears off (i made sure he packed sunscreen yesterday, also some aloe vera gel in case he forgets to use it)
heard the gate squeeking earlier. it's right outside the bedroom window. lovely. i'm not going outside in the dark. that, and i have yet to be able to get that stupid gate to close. oh i know it's handy, but it still needs some work. maybe i could use the toilet to prop it closed. (yes, rto put it outside on the side of the house. grrrrrr)
rto left early, early this morning. says he'll try to keep me updated on where he ends up. quite a few bloggers are suggesting charities today links can be found here. personally, i'm a bit partial towards the United Methodists.
from former A1, Elizabeth Love Tu'uta, now back in home state of
A couple of you have written
to inquire about our well-being, and I thank you for your concern. My
family is all safe and well. However, both my husband and I are United
Methodist clergy and have many friends and colleagues from whom we have heard
nothing. We do not know if they evacuated safely or have died, or are just
in areas that cannot get word out. Folks do not seem to realize how many
communities extend far south of New Orleans. Our prairie grasslands and
swamplands are most definitely inhabited. As you can imagine, we are
desperate for news.
I know that you are wanting to
help the hurricane victims, and wanting to know how best to do so. Where
we live, in Shreveport, we have over 20,000 evacuees/refugees that have been
told to stay put for as much as 3-6 months. We are rallying to their aid,
and are even absorbing the children into our public and private school
systems. One can certainly send donations to the Red Cross, who is
operating the largest shelters here beautifully. There are many
United Methodist Churches that are also opening up space, even for as few as
8-12 folks, if that's all they've got room for. Additionally, you are
likely unaware that the national depot for the United Methodist Committee on
Relief is actually here, in South Louisiana. This is always one
of the first sources of massive aid that gets in to disaster areas all over
the world... in many, many cases, even before the Red Cross. (Almost
all UMCOR shipments worldwide come directly through this huge depot in
Louisiana.) Every dollar contributed to the UMCOR goes 100% to aid.
It goes straight to purchase needed goods. All work at the depot is
volunteer. No administrative costs come out of your donations.
All that being said, if you wish to help, I
encourage you to send donations to the Red Cross, the UMCOR at the following
P.O. Box 850
101 Sager Brown Road
Baldwin, LA 70514-0850,
or you may also send it directly to my church, and we will personally go to
nour local shelters and furnish the needed items there. Send those
donations to:
Morningside UMC
Attn: Rev. Elizabeth Tu'uta
5500 Hearne Avenue
Shreveport, LA 71108
We covet your help, and your thoughts and prayers. As time
passes, we will have a need for mission teams and workers, but for now, we just
want to find all our people... living or otherwise. If you have questions,
don't hesitate to send a note.
grace and peace,